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Host Building apps can display embedded webviews of mobile friendly content. The current user's details can optionally be passed through as a JWT Token.

Embedded webviews are a quick, easy way to get integrated with Host if you already have a mobile responsive website.

User details

The user details can be passed to the webview as a signed JWT, this needs to be configured by a Host admin. There are detailed instructions for requesting and implementing the JWT flow.

What is a JWT?

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. You can read more about how JWT's work at


Our internal webviews can:

  • Retain session state
  • Do most redirects and navigation
  • Navigate outside the initial domain
  • Show integrated modals and popups for content and notification


Internal web views cannot:

  • Open modals or additional tabs
  • Perform some redirect cases (multiple chained redirects or directing to a new window)
  • Interact with the calling application
  • Show browser alerts
  • CORS is enabled, we do not provide any bypass or workarounds. Please consider appropriate headers and/or JSONP.